
2008 Beijing Olympic─我參加『北京奧運小記者』紀實

今年我在中國北京,過了一個 "與眾不同" 的生日喔

還親眼目睹了美國和巴西的 "奧運" 沙灘排球賽 ~~真是讚~~

親愛的 "故宮博物院" 我來啦~


這可是 "絲綢博物館"所呈現的完美作品喔許多世界級的大人物都是由他們量身訂做的呢


這是"成吉思汗"將軍當年席捲歐亞大陸, 戰無不勝的秘密武器--青羅衣


I, Martin Li had completed my Beijing Olympic mission with my school. Our trip was been organized by Singapore Children Newspaper from 6th to 12th August. During the trip, I’ve improved many skills such as, my speech/thinking and the courage to talk.


This is a golden opportunity for only 9 pupils chosen from the whole school,

OOOOOOOO Primary School to train to be reporters and participate for competition which then allowed us to Beijing .


It was a proud and glory moment for me to interview the Singapore team, Bryan Tay, Lyenta Lim, Lingwen and Yangyu. As a reporter, we must always be alert, behave our self and be proud of our country and school.


 We’ve went to lots of different places such as the Forbidden City, Yi He Yuan, the Bird Nest , Watercube and the silk factory. We saw the Bronzy lion, the watch tower, the silver and bronze tropod and the Merdian Gate in the Forbidden City .


We can find the bronze Bull, Seventeen-Arch Bridge , the Jade Belt Bridge and lots of beautiful flowers and plants in Yi He Yuan which build for the ancient king in China .


我是Martin Li,奧運小記者成員之一. 上星期我和其他小記者们完成了北京奧運之旅.這個活動是由—“新加坡兒童報”所安排,從 八月六日 到 八月十二日 .我在這次活動中,學習了說話的技巧,表達能力,和上台的勇氣.


在這次旅行中,令我最難忘的一件事就是--八月十日的行程.我們去了中國北京最大的歷史古蹟—“紫禁城”.位于北京中心,今天人们稱它為--”故宮博物館”.意為過去的皇宮.故宮東西寬 七百五十米 ,南北長 九百六十米 ,面績達到 七十二萬平方米 .為世界之最…這些知識,都是我們妙語如珠的 黃 老師所告訴我們的.我們的老師,真是博學多聞哪!!







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